
Digital technology is a focus for the Center as many businesses are choosing digital solutions and most schools don’t have computer classes. Rather, the students are required to learn about computers from a book. The few schools that have computer labs lack the energy to run them. We have also run community project to distribute solar panels to every school and community center we could find. JE is run off grid on solar power and is a stable space to run computer classes.

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) educational style has developed organically in Jakmel Ekspresyon. The student led curriculum resulted in a class on civic responsibility by mixing photography with the environment. Photoshop was the first time many students had used a computer. Creativity mixed with technology helps the students develop cognitive skills in recognizing, accessing and creating solutions to problems in their communities.

Haiti’s educational system lacks both cognitive and technology training.  Most high schools teach computer but in theory only and rely on memorization. The schools that do have computer labs do not have energy to run them. Even though there is little to no human resources in digital processes, businesses are still using digital solutions. JE seeks to bridge this gap and expand the workforce, that is capable of working with digital solutions that many of us feel are basic now.

By mixing creativity and technology we can create not only a workforce capable of advancing businesses and creating new jobs in Haiti, but also citizenry that is capable of creating solutions in many community domains. Artists are similar to scientists. They can imagine new futures and solutions and have the experience to implement those solutions in reality. This may be a new app or an exhibition that exponentially spreads information to the community. Art inherently encourages people to question presumptions presented in the work.

Looking towards the future JE is developing a full coding curriculum. The program has started with kid’s robotics club. In 2023, JE’s Robo Klèb won the National World Robot Olympiad competition and went to the international competition in Panama. By catching the kids when their brains are still developing, JE has better chances to create confident computer programmers later. As the kids grow more advanced classes will be added. This program will have a full Coding Bootcamp for young adults to create an offshore work force. This allows young Haitians to stay in Haiti while making sufficient funds to live productive lives, provide for their families and create new solutions for their communities.

Current Classes

  • Youth Robotics
  • Video Editing
  • Music Production
  • Photoshop
  • Word and Excel

Future Classes

  • Code Programming
  • Website Development
  • IT Culture